PUERTO RICO 8/07 The View From LA PERLA!
19 March 2009
PUERTO RICO The View From La Perla - La Vista Desde La Perla
PUERTO RICO 8/07 The View From LA PERLA!
16 March 2009
ROMA 2007 BLUECHEESE Presents EcoArt Village...
ROMA 2007 BLUECHEESE Presents EcoArt Village...
Un BACIONE alla Grande DJ Leo, e tanti abbracci a tutti gli amici virtuali che ho conosciuto finalmente nella realta'! L'EcoArt Village e' stupenda, sull'APPIA ANTICA, al Sepolcro di Priscilla, vicinissimo al famoso ristorante, QUO VADIS?... La cosa piu' bella e' stato che avete messo la torre del DJ davanti alla torre di antichita'! Solo a ROMA! Non vedo l'ora delle prossime Vacanze Romane!!!
A HUGE KISS to the great DJ LEO, and so many hugs to all my virtual friends who I have finally met in reality! The EcoArt Village is AMAZING, on the Ancient Appian Way, at Priscilla's Tomb, close to the famous restaurant, QUO VADIS?... The most incredible part is that the DJ tower is set up in front of the ancient Roman tower! Only in ROME! Can't wait for my next Roman Holiday!!!
You know what they say, "WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO"!!
06 March 2009
Queen For A Day! 50th Annual National Puerto Rican Day Parade NYC 2007
WEPA! !!!Que Viva Puerto Rico, La Isla del Encanto!!!
What a beautifully CHAOTIC day! It was GREAT - when I wasn't kissing ass! I was a multi tasking delegate between way too many Bad Lieutenants, beat cops, mentally fkn challenged traffic cops, parade organizers, Bacardi Suits, Bacardi Girls, DJs, artists, "Security", Bacardi "event planners" and my Philadelphia friends who refer to themselves as "Carnies", who setup, breakdown and drive the float. It was not easy, but I'm VERY good @ customer service, AND I even cleaned the damned plexiglass windows!
Before anyone else, I was up on there with the crew, so that was MY float, but one Bacardi girl was trying to ask me for water like I was a waitress or something, uh, the cooler's over there, hon, I pointed with my flag, then turning my back to her, proceeded to "Party Like a Rockstar"!! Oh, NO you didn't, now go back to being my backup dancer! BK don't play!
A float has absolutely NO suspension, so when the music jumped off, I was literally 12 inches off the ground, holding on, waving my flag shaking what little my mama gave me like a doggone fool! It was Hip Hop Hayride heaven, and through some miracle I had become the prima ballerina, the one dressed differently! I played the back, by the fellas, dancing more like a crunk cheerleader than a video ho, while the Bacardi girls threw mad shade!
DJ Precise from La Kalle 105.9 (Heavy Hitter) made the most out of TOBY Love's "Tengo Un Amor" and other songs by splicing in El General, C & C Music Factory, Nina Sky, Frankie Cutlass and Fat Joe with little hits of old and new school into a hot loop... His crew from the South Boogie Down was cool, one guy kept "singing" to me, and I hammed it up like a true Broadway Baby, I was crying, swooning, walking away, it actually looked choreographed!
I had the GENTE raising those flags, on the left, on the right (alzando las banderas, pa' la izquierda, pa' la derecha), GOZANDO, picking out the Papi Chulos with my flag, calling out the city names, tirando besitos a los viejitos (throwing kisses to the little old men), WOW, I am still reeling from the ridiculous amount of Puerto Rican LOVE I ingested, and puro adrenalina (pure adrenaline)!!! What a dream come true for a Nuyorican!!!! Outrageous!
At the end of the parade route, DJ ENUFF, the King of the Heavy Hitters, Hot 97, my old pal from Brooklyn walked up, and to the surprise of Precise and crew, who had been nothing but nice to me all day, told them all just how far back we go! That's RIGHT! I was like, I TOLD Y'ALL I'M FROM BK!! Mad props to ENUFF... I love that guy, and I go far back enuff to have been to his Momma's house parties!!!
WHAT A DAY! Not only was I just as cute as the bodega beauty queens, diplomatic, energetic and funny, but I even had GUM, OK!? Will be doing it again next year, I think I earned my keep! Maybe I need to hop on for GAY PRIDE!!! I bet the BACARDI boys will be WAY prettier, and I hear they wave their "FLAGS" at HALF MAST for the WHOLE parade! OUCH, sounds kinda painful, but like "LOADS" of fun... OK, I'll stop now...
50th Annual Puerto Rican Day Parade NYC
Con todo mi AMOR!
05 March 2009
- She shoulda beat his ass with her UM-BER-ELLA. Fancy clothes and car don't give u brains let's hope she ditches him and sheds light on the issue.
- Spent years helping domestic violence victims, MAD hard 2break cycle n convince 'em 2leave, even harder 2explain 2 U why they often stay.
- Girls need 2B taught 2 Y themselves, 2 respect their minds and bodies, 2 have self value & worth, then they wont take fkn ish from a lover!
- The Problem is we tend to look outside ourselves for Y & approval, instead of within. A strong sense of self esteem is best defense in life.
- Give me an hour or 2 with Rihanna & she'd b singing a diff tune, pressing charges while becoming a worthy role model, silence is compliance!
- Chris Brown's stepdad beat his moms, n I hear this ain't first time he roughed Rihanna up... boys who witness abuse often become batterers.